Friday, January 22, 2010

Ovarian Chemotherapy What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of An Ovarian Cancer Patient Undergoing Chemotherapy?

What is the average life expectancy of an ovarian cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy? - ovarian chemotherapy

the patient in his fifties, good health and had a stage III ovarian cancer
no metastases in other body
It was his commitment and removal of the uterus and ovaries during surgery
He is undergoing chemotherapy with paclitaxel (intravenous) with rings at intervals of 3 weeks


Fire Fighter said...

I am sorry that someone you know by what is happening now.
The fact that it had metastases, obviously is a much better chance for a long and normal life.
Every person reacts differently to chemotherapy.
Hopefully he will do well with this drug.
Nobody, not even a doctor can say with certainty what the outcome or to predict their life expectancy. Not now, anyway.
I wish you all the best. And remember that modern medicine has come a long way.

★Greed★ said...

90% or more, provided that no infection or cancer has spread.

You must continue to monitor for several years to ensure that the referral.

Pay attention to your health

Bird Brain said...

depends on the age, when he was first diagnosed, life expectancy varies from person to person.

Untitled Sabrina Project said...

If chemotherapy works, there is no delay

Scentles... said...

Dear SuhaibJ,

In general, the overall survival at 5 years (all stages together) increased from 37% in 1974 to over 50% in 2007. The survival rates according to various factors such as patient age, health, and the scene is detected.

* The five-year survival rate is over 90% if the cancer still confined to the ovaries at diagnosis.
* If it has spread to areas near the pelvis, the survival rate falls to 60 to 80%.
* If it spread to sites outside of the pelvis, the 5-year survival is only 10 to 30%.

My best regards

SethSpea... said...

35. seriously.

Cold cash and colder hearts said...

70 +. My mother had ovarian cancer a few years ago and went through chemotherapy, she is good. It will also continue to visit their doctor once a year to ensure that the cancer has not returned.

Cold cash and colder hearts said...

70 +. My mother had ovarian cancer a few years ago and went through chemotherapy, she is good. It will also continue to visit their doctor once a year to ensure that the cancer has not returned.

Cold cash and colder hearts said...

70 +. My mother had ovarian cancer a few years ago and went through chemotherapy, she is good. It will also continue to visit their doctor once a year to ensure that the cancer has not returned.

nikka said...

not yet spread to other organs of the body metstasized ...... I am also the subject of chemotherapy in cancer stage endemetroid 3c.and my oncologist told me that according to the results histopath its spread to the lymph nodes .... I wonder what my chances of survival and he said that the outcome of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is for .. I have the same hysterectomy and also with paclitaxel every days.he said 22 other live 10 years, but depends on the stage of cancer. obey everything we can do that is to be our oncologists and willing to pray today for his last days ..... My prayers are with her ..... GOD BLESS

Anonymous said...

There are a number of years - more than 5 But there's always the possibility it will go into permanent remission, and then it is a natural life - hence the 82! It is not metastacized now in his favor. If you were able to resect and do not let the disease is visible, which is a good sign, too. Ideally, treatment by a gynecologist-oncologist, as well.

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